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Students love us.

See how schools around the country have partnered with us to improve students’ mental well-being and social-emotional development

Success Stories.

Improved Belonging &Amp; Mental Health Outcomes

We partnered with Urban Assembly to achieve a 67% increase in the percent of students at the Bronx Leadership Academy who feel more connected to their school community.

Read the Success Story

Healthier Peer Relationships

A NYC middle school saw a 37% increase in healthy peer relationships and a 22% improvement in feeling connected at school.

Read the Success Story

Improved Morale

PD series in Long Island, NY resulted in a 10% increase in educators feeling valued at work.

Read the Success Story

Stronger Community

NYC high school experienced a 16% increase in students feeling a sense of community at school after just 4 weeks of Robin programming.

Read the Success Story

Built Healthy Relationship Skills

Median score achieved by students on skills assessment was 90%.

Read the Success Story

What Educators Say.

“To be honest, I went into this like it’s another thing to do and within a month I saw some amazing changes – like my kids respectfully talking to one another about how they feel without my help, and making better choices. I’m so glad we did this. It really made a difference.”

-Stephanie Butler
Teacher at Martin J. Gottlieb Day School

“Robin is the only partner that focuses first on helping students build better relationships with themselves, their peers and teachers. They have helped us create an environment where everyone feels cared for and ready to learn.”

-Dr. Matthew Murphy
Superintendent, Ramsey School District

“The plus to Robin is that it adds the human touch. It encourages robust real-life discussions to help build relationships with students. Building trust with students is essential for success!”

Supes' Choice Judge

“These invaluable coaching sessions provided not only our students, but also our staff, with powerful coping tools that they can put to practice in their daily lives.”

-Assistant Principal
The Young Women's Leadership School of East Harlem

“The team is always available to meet, learn about the needs of our students and teachers, and come up with a realistic game plan. The Robin team has become an extended part of our school family.”

-School Counselor
Martin J. Gottlieb Day School

“Best PD I’ve ever attended. My glow was empty at the start. By the end, I filled it with things that are valuable but that I don’t realize I do or give myself credit for.”


“This didn’t feel like training. It felt like we were sharing ideas and building something.”

-Transportation Team Member
Gananda Central School District

What Students Say.

It was incredible. People were opening up and being vulnerable and everyone in the session responded with support and encouragement. I’ve never seen anything like that happen at school before.

-11th Grade Student

“I like the interactive session and how you could relate to the coach’s experiences. It made you feel like you weren’t alone in your struggles.”

-8th Grade Student

“I learned to be more positive, productive and grateful for things I never thought about. I was able to read a new inspirational message every morning and it helped me start each morning in a happy mood. I was able to make new goals for myself, and have a stronger growth mindset.”

-9th Grade Student

Schools we are Proud to Support.

Proven to Engage and Impact.

  • 83

    of students were “likely” or “very likely” to use skills taught

  • 92

    of students want to attend more Robin coaching experiences

  • 25

    average increase in scores on well-being assessment

Let's Connect

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