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Improving Student Outcomes through Connection-based Learning White Paper Ready to Download

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Llevándote al grupo

La Coach Whitney Bell comparte formas en que podemos presentarnos auténticamente en las diferentes relaciones que tenemos en nuestras vidas. Aprenda a evaluar las relaciones, decir lo que piensas respetuosamente y pedir lo que necesitas en las relaciones.

Mantén la calma

El Coach Marshall Jones nos brinda estrategias para mantener la calma en las conversaciones y regular nuestras emociones. Aprenda cómo el tono indica emoción, reconozca las emociones fuertes como una energía elevada e identifique estrategias para reducir las discusiones acaloradas.

Let’s Make a Cake!

Coach Adam Reh tells us that making and thinking about art can be a lot like thinking and talking about our emotions. He leads students through a fun activity in which students learn to identify and express their emotions through art.

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Justice

Coach Ruben Nuño takes us through the journey of DEI and its role in creating a more just world.

Meditation as a Multivitamin

Robin Coach Ebony Tutora explains how meditation is a daily ritual that brings increased peace, better sleep and enhanced focus.

Finding Your Voice

Robin Coach Jenica Biggs shares a story of one of her students who she helped build confidence, communication skills and success. Finding your voice isn’t a simple process, but once you start, you’ll find it easier to advocate for yourself and your needs.

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