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Let's Connect
Improving Student Outcomes through Connection-based Learning White Paper Ready to Download

High Impact Family Engagement.

Our interactive workshops encourage families to connect with each other while learning evidence-based strategies to improve their families’ well-being, resilience and relationships.

Family and Community Coaching.

Stress Management and Mindfulness

Participants learn important stress-management practices such as mindful movement, calm breathing, body scanning and tapping.

Helping Students Manage Anxiety

A Robin coach explains how to recognize and address signs of anxiety in our youth, and how to provide support to help them navigate these significant challenges.

Resilience Strategies

A Robin coach leads an interactive series of discussions on how participants can strengthen their resilience skills in order to weather and grow from hardships.

Difficult Conversations & Conflict Management

In this workshop, a Robin coach guides participants through a discussion of the three keys of using trauma-informed conflict communication, sharing skills to use in order to de-escalate conflict with empathy.

Understanding Social Media - Impacts and Strategies

A Robin coach shares the benefits and pitfalls of technology with parents and guardians, and helps them support good choices vis-a-vis technology use. The focus of the workshop is how our use of technology, especially social media, affects our feelings about ourselves and others and how algorithms affect what you see.

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging

A Robin coach works with parents and guardians to develop a deeper understanding of DEIB and the ways it can impact a family and a school community. The coach shares concrete strategies that families can begin to use right away in order to build a more inclusive environment.

Ready to Engage Your Parents and Caregivers?

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