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Improving Student Outcomes through Connection-based Learning White Paper Ready to Download

Live Coaching
for Students.

Live Coaching provides safe spaces for students to open up, emotionally connect with each other and learn a wide range of skills like mindfulness, self-affirmation or good digital citizenship. Coaches address hundreds of students during school assemblies or facilitate interactive coaching experiences for smaller groups of students.


Magic of Mindfulness.

Learn how being kind to your mind in a focused and non-judgemental way makes you feel happier and less stressed.

The Gift of Self-Love.

Practice powerful tools of meditation and mindset mastery used to self-heal and empower yourself.

Thought Traps.

Learn how the brain can sometimes trick us into thinking things that probably aren’t real.

Academic Anxiety.

Try several techniques for managing stress as it relates to taking tests and dealing with pressure to succeed.


Building Resilience.

Participate in an interactive discussion on how to strengthen your resilience and grow from hardships.

Creating a Resilience Mindset.

A Robin Coach who lost their father to suicide will share how to build resilience post-trauma, offering tools of how to get back on one’s feet when the unexpected and unplanned happens.

Find Your 
Inner Superpower.

Build your unique personal toolkit to empower you to overcome any obstacle.

My Toolbox of Skills.

Build your emotional intelligence ‘toolkit’ which will empower you with an array of tools to face a variety of life challenges.


Art and Me.

Experience an exercise in self-expression and self-discovery through art to help you unearth your true identity.

Compassionate Understanding.

Learn how disabilities affect others and how to connect with someone if they have a disability.

The Power of Your Voice.

Learn how to harness the power of your voice, words and movement to more effectively express what you want to say.

The Kindness Factor.

Harness the power of kindness which enables the interpersonal connection that is vital to build the powerful trustworthy relationships which are the keystone for success in life.


Technology and Me.

Learn the pitfalls of technology and help make good choices vis-a-vis technology and social media use.

Being Brave.

Learn to make choices for yourself based on what you want to achieve, not what society expects.

Choose to Forgive.

Experience the incredible power of forgiveness and how it leads to a stronger and happier life.

Be Aware.

Coach Lindsay describes how choices to limit her food intake on a trip with friends resulted in a life-threatening mental illness. She teaches students to consider unforeseen consequences from decisions and how to ask for help when things go wrong, or how to help a friend.


Passion or Purpose.

Coach Jeff breaks down the harmful myths surrounding purpose that often prevent teenagers from pursuing their purpose.

Social Impact.

Coach Greg leads students through a workshop that talks about the methods and means for achieving social impact.

Train Yourself.

Coach Phil helps students learn how optimistic thinking and self-empowerment can help them achieve their goals.

Prepare to Be Strong.

Coach Jennifer teaches students how preparing ahead can help get them through challenges that could sometimes take them off track.

Ready for Robin?


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